Thank you for choosing our office for your oral healthcare needs! We are glad that you chose us and cannot wait to meet you!
At East Lake Family Dental, we want to make your dental visit as fast and efficient as possible. We know that your time is valuable and we strive to accommodate you at all times. Here are a few helpful tips to help streamline your visit with us!
Complete our patient forms on-line or print them, complete them and bring them with you to your appointment. This will expedite things upon arrival.
Please bring any pertinent information regarding your dental insurance with you to your dental appointment. We will gladly file any dental insurance claims on your behalf as a courtesy to you.
Arriving early for your dental appointment helps us to address any issues with your dental insurance and/or medical history prior to your appointment time with the dentist or hygienist.
Bring a list of questions or concerns you may have for the dentist or dental hygienist. This will help create a more thorough consultation, prevent any missing information and help us address your concerns properly.
Our friendly dental team will welcome you to our office. If your appointment is with the dental hygienist, she will clean and polish your teeth, conduct a full examination and take x-rays. Afterward, the dentist will be consulted to check x-rays and conduct an additional examination of your teeth for signs of decay, check your gums for changes, and other signs of oral cancer or disease.
After the checkup is complete, the doctor will meet with you to discuss your X-Rays and recommendations to improve your overall dental health. If additional treatment is required, you will be presented with a treatment plan and an estimate. We’ll schedule your next appointment for preventive care or for a respective procedure from your treatment plan.
A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under 18 years of age.
Please alert the office if you have a medical condition that may be of concern prior to treatment (i.e. diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, joint replacement, etc.).
Also, please let us know if you are on any medication (i.e. heart medications, aspirin, anticoagulant therapy, etc.) Or if you require medication prior to dental cleanings (i.e antibiotics for pre-med.)
2325 Glenwood Ave SE
Atlanta GA 30316
(678) 800-8316
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 4:30pm
Fri- By Appointment
© 2024 East Lake Family Dental | All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy.